Senterada vegetable garden micro-reserve 2024


Help us to enhance the cultivated and wild biodiversity of Senterada’s cultivated area.

725,98 € of 1.000,00 €
318 kg CO2eq compensated
4 sponsors
247 days left

This association is made up of more than 250 inhabitants of the municipality of Senterada who, during COVID-19 confinement, decided to work together in order to promote community resilience and self-sufficiency, to create social business projects, and to empower the population to become a driving force of change. Senterada Comestible is its first project of agroecology and food sovereignty.

Located in Senterada (Pallars Jussà region), the 0.33-hectare micro-reserve comprises 4 vegetable gardens that are commonly custodied by the members of the association.

The micro-reserve is aimed at preserving the cultivated and wild biodiversity of the cultivated area and at creating nursery plants to save local fruit trees.

Technical description

About 0.33-hectare rural cultivation area of local vegetable and fruit of the regions of Senterada and Capdella Valley. Senterada’s crop fields host a wide range of native green vegetables and fruit of the socioeconomic zone of influence of the municipality. It is also home to numerous species of wild edible and medicinal flowers. All this vegetal variety means a great wealth of insect pollinators that feed many species of insectivorous birds and bats. Senterada Comestible project intends to create a model of cultivation area that uses traditional varieties in which the biological processes of pollination are carried out by the insects and the control of infestations is fulfilled by insectivorous birds.

Main species

Local species of green vegetables, native fruit trees, edible wild flowers, insect pollinators and insectivorous birds.

Ecological singularities

Traditional vegetable gardens, fruit trees and medicinal plants have been part of the landscape and of the biodiversity of the Pyrenean villages for thousands of years. The current abandonment of these traditional crops is causing a loss of the cultivated natural heritage; an anthropologic value that Gratitud Pallars and Senterada Comestible are endeavouring to preserve.

The funds raised will be aimed at planting local fruit trees, at recovering native green vegetables, and at improving their habitat in order to reinforce the biodiversity of insect pollinators and insectivorous birds of the micro-reserve.

The actions planned for 2024 are the following:

  • Construction of a hotel for insect pollinators: set up and installation. This hotel will boost the community of insect pollinators that benefit the vegetable production and will represent an environmental attraction for the visitors.
  • Maintenance of 6 nesting boxes for insectivorous birds, in order to reinforce the presence of insectivorous birds in Senterada’s vegetable gardens, which will contribute to the biological control of infestations.
  • Recovery of native fruit trees: prospecting and collection campaigns of vegetal material. Organization of conferences on grafting with the collected varieties.


This association is made up of more than 250 inhabitants of the municipality of Senterada who, during COVID-19 confinement, decided to work together in order to promote community resilience and self-sufficiency, to create social business projects, and to empower the population to become a driving force of change. Senterada Comestible is its first project of agroecology and food sovereignty.

Located in Senterada (Pallars Jussà region), the 0.33-hectare micro-reserve comprises 4 vegetable gardens that are commonly custodied by the members of the association.

The micro-reserve is aimed at preserving the cultivated and wild biodiversity of the cultivated area and at creating nursery plants to save local fruit trees.

Technical description

About 0.33-hectare rural cultivation area of local vegetable and fruit of the regions of Senterada and Capdella Valley. Senterada’s crop fields host a wide range of native green vegetables and fruit of the socioeconomic zone of influence of the municipality. It is also home to numerous species of wild edible and medicinal flowers. All this vegetal variety means a great wealth of insect pollinators that feed many species of insectivorous birds and bats. Senterada Comestible project intends to create a model of cultivation area that uses traditional varieties in which the biological processes of pollination are carried out by the insects and the control of infestations is fulfilled by insectivorous birds.

Main species

Local species of green vegetables, native fruit trees, edible wild flowers, insect pollinators and insectivorous birds.

Ecological singularities

Traditional vegetable gardens, fruit trees and medicinal plants have been part of the landscape and of the biodiversity of the Pyrenean villages for thousands of years. The current abandonment of these traditional crops is causing a loss of the cultivated natural heritage; an anthropologic value that Gratitud Pallars and Senterada Comestible are endeavouring to preserve.

The funds raised will be aimed at planting local fruit trees, at recovering native green vegetables, and at improving their habitat in order to reinforce the biodiversity of insect pollinators and insectivorous birds of the micro-reserve.

The actions planned for 2024 are the following:

  • Construction of a hotel for insect pollinators: set up and installation. This hotel will boost the community of insect pollinators that benefit the vegetable production and will represent an environmental attraction for the visitors.
  • Maintenance of 6 nesting boxes for insectivorous birds, in order to reinforce the presence of insectivorous birds in Senterada’s vegetable gardens, which will contribute to the biological control of infestations.
  • Recovery of native fruit trees: prospecting and collection campaigns of vegetal material. Organization of conferences on grafting with the collected varieties.