19 January 2019

¡Hi there!

Hi there!

We start establishing ties with nature from when we are small. Often we are not fully aware of what nature does for us: the air we breath, the water we drink and enjoy, the fruit we eat, the birds in spring, the flowers that colour the waysides, the long walks alongside dry-stone walls, and an infinite number of other little delights that we take for granted as part of our lives, and which are always there waiting for us.

Yet, despite this, the relationship that we have with the natural world is becoming increasingly fraught. It has become unidirectional in the sense that today we seem just to use nature for our own benefit. Do we ever give anything back? Do we ever stop to think what would happen if we didn’t care at all for the natural world? This would mean a spring without birdsong, winters without snow, colourless autumns and waterless summers.

For these reasons, the Gratitud Pallars Project wants to encourage you to take part in a series of actions whose aim is to change our relationship with the natural world. The idea is to start looking after it better and give back something in exchange for all it provides us totally for free.

We’d like to invite you to help us rebuild dry-stone walls, to restore our ancient trails, to offset your carbon footprint, and look after our natural heritage by setting up micro-reserves in our region.

Welcome to the Gratitud Project!